About Us

Seawinds Community Hub is a friendly, not-for-profit, organisation located in Capel Sound on the Mornington Peninsula. Officially opened in May 2023, our Community Hub is here to provide support, information, and community services to of all members of our local community from babies through to our valued older members of the community

Why we do what we do

Our Vision: Inspiration for the community – belonging, learning and growing.

Our Mission: To engage the community in a wide range of services and programs that help people feel connected.

Our Values – to be:

  • An innovative centre which grows with the community
  • A centre that values and supports growth and development across all ages
  • A centre that is respectful of all people, cultures and the environment
  • A centre that builds a strong community and brings people together
  • A centre that provides a safe, welcoming and accepting environment
  • A centre that is an inspiring place to be with a strong sense of belonging
  • A centre that values and supports community volunteering, participation and collaboration
  • A centre that operates through open and transparent communication and respect

Our Board

Back (from left) – David Thompson (Chair), Ray Atkinson (Men’s Shed), David Raddon

Front – Heather Barton AM (Secretary), Gail Abbott & Belinda Ruzicka

Valuing and supporting community volunteering, participation and collaboration

We gratefully acknowledge and thank the great many people, businesss and organisations and Government departments who, in 2023, have provided in-kind donations, donations and grants. Their support has enabled us to meet the needs of our community through the activities, support and programs that make up the diverse offerings at Seawinds Community Hub.

We also celebrate the achievements of staff and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to connect, learn, grow and support our community.

Annual Report (Financial Year 1st January – 31st December)

To download the 2023 Seawinds Community Hub Annual Report (including the audited financial statements), please click here.